Give and Take...
In different seminars, I have talked a lot about saving.But not in the sense that you may expect.We have resources beyond the dollars and sense kind:specifically:1) seconds2) cents3) sanity (and spirit)Although saving money is very important, especially in these economic times, there are times when saving sanity may be just as important.Case in point...This summer has been INSANE (no pun intended!) to say the least. We started it out with a 2 1/2 week road trip right after school got out. In the middle of all of that is right when my books got released, so I came back and jumped into launching the book, all the while preparing to give NINE seminars at an upcoming education week. and oh, yea, mothering 5 children on summer vacation brings on a whole slew of 'fun times.'... Fast forward to last week. We are to the one week until education week point (read, stress WAY up). Not only had I agreed to a press conference for one of the books, but I had agreed to provide samples from the recipes in the back for all of the people at the press conference, as well as go on the radio to announce the press conference.... So I am at the store getting some things for the samples, knowing I have a few long nights of cooking ahead of me.... as I pass the produce section, I find that peaches are on sale for .88 a pound. I stood in front of that sign forever, fighting with myself. .. "Jen, don't do it. Jennnn, I know what you are thinking. DON'T do it - you have a press conference in two days and education week talks due next week. Walk away. Walk away quickly." But I kept looking at that sale sign, and before I knew it I was loading up TWENTY pounds of peaches into the cart.... but it didn't stop there.I walked by the meat isleAnd saw fresh boneless, skinless chicken breast on sale for $1.59. I have not seen it that price for at least 4 years.... I stop... the fight continues.Do I walk away and save my sanity??NOOOOOI scooped up 20 pounds of raw chicken.... so I got home and not only had to prepare 4 variations of muffins, bean chip dip, and smoothies, but I now had on my shoulders cooking and cutting/slicing/shredding 20 pounds of chicken to be frozen for later meals, and canning/freezing/otherwise preserving 20 pounds of peaches.Did I save money? Yup.Did I pay for it with my sanity? Yup.Did I become "just like the mean mom on Annie!"? ... as embarrassing as it is to admit... yup.It takes give from one to save from the other.The bottom line - nothing is truly 'free' if you save on the money end, be advised that you will need to give a little on the second's end (or the sanity end).It all depends on what resource you value the most in any given day, and that can and will fluctuate for every person, at any given point in time.