How it started
It all started with this blog post. Our first Christmas post medical training (read: the first Christmas we could get more than dollar store items). At the end of the day I felt… stuffed. With stuff. Too much stuff. And I realized that last thing the kids needed was more stuff.
After talking about things, we decided to change up our parenting paradigm. Instead of stuff focused, we wanted to be experience focused. We wanted to help our kids become global citizens and humanitarians.
An adventurous spirit
Quest #1, find a humanitarian group willing to take kids. Not an easy task. After loads of dead ends, I got a call out of the blue from a dear friend and former missionary companion. She had just returned from a humanitarian mission. To the exact place we had served our missions together 15+ years earlier. They allowed kids. Oh, and they were looking for a nutrition piece in their program. What??!
After several girlie screams, I knew. This was where we were going. Only problem? I was pregnant.
Armed with an adventurous spirit and prior experience in the location, we packed up our older kids and boarded a plane for the home of my heart. We haven’t looked back.
More than just travel
More than humanitarian travel, we also wanted to open the kids up to the world at large. Our trips are never perfect, but always entertaining. Through the years, I’ve found that planning the trip is almost as much fun as going! I’ve had enough people ask me for information on different areas we’ve visited, that I’ve put together some thoughts on different countries, as well as some general travel tips.
We continue to add countries to our list of visits and would love to connect to share what we’ve learned and learn from you!
Our house may never get the new carpet it desperately needs, and we are still using the goodwill dressers we bought for our room 17 years ago, but who cares – adventure awaits!