Treading Water In The Ocean
One of my friends recently asked how I was doing.
My typical answer is one of two things - smile and give a thumbs up or laugh about running a three ring circus.
But this time, I took a moment to pause and think about how I truly am doing. And how I could sum it all up in a quick answer without being overly Pollyanna or Snarky Susie.
Here was my answer:
I feel like I’m treading water.
In the ocean.
Before March, we were all collectively living the beachy life so-to-speak (I realize I live nowhere near a play-able beach, especially in March - just go with me on this). Suddenly a tidal wave of Corona swept in and carried us all out to Sea.
For the first few weeks it was utter panic and reactionary splashing and choking.
Now we’ve settled in for the long haul and as we wait for the coast guard to come by, or the currents to hopefully pull us back to shore,
We tread.
Not really sure how or when we will once again be on solid ground.
We tread.
Through school closings. Meeting cancelations. Trip reroutings. Life rescheduling, followed by more rescheduling. Zoom, Duo, Face time, Web Ex, and any number of virtual platform learning.
We tread.
Waves and storms come, and throw us under for moments in time. We kick and fight our way back to the surface. Where once again…
We tread.
When surrounded by children, sometimes we dive down to help keep them afloat. We hold their hands, calm their fears. teach them to swim, and let them lean on us.
All the while…
We tread.
Once in a while waves hit so hard and so fast that for a time we get disoriented and don’t even know which way to swim for air. But somehow we again find our way to the surface. Where again…
We tread.
So when my friend asked in all sincerity how I was doing… I simply said - I’m treading water.
And my legs are getting tired.